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Plug In with Pastor Chris:Hallelujah Night Celebration

Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

Halloween is the annual celebration of witches and warlocks has ancient roots in pagan celebrations of dark spirits, but it has long since donned a more innocent appearance: adorable children scrambling down neighborhood streets; teenagers dressing up for the high school dance; adults enjoying a chance to act like kids at a costume party.

But for millions of Christians, Halloween's patina of innocence is not innocent enough—it is still Satan's holiday, a direct assault against the biblical injunction not to engage in witchcraft or commune with the spirits of the dead (Deut. 18: 10–13). Some Christian families may allow their kids to dress up and get candy from the neighbors, but many others rule the holiday out entirely.

Many Christians refuse to participate in Halloween. Some are wary of its pagan origins; others of its dark, ghoulish imagery; still others are concerned for the safety of their children. But other Christians choose to partake of the festivities, whether participating in school activities, neighborhood trick-or-treating, or a Halloween alternative at their church.

 At LIvingstone Bible Church,every October 31st has always been a fun filled day for kids,teens and adults.Our "Hallelujah Night celebrations is a platform for all children and parents to celebrate,fellowship and merry in the atmosphere of fun and worship. 

Hallelujah Night - Tuesday, October 31st at 7pm prompt - A night filled with Godly fun, learning the uncompromising Word of God with lots of food, candy, games and fellowship.
Last year's was amazing but trusting God for a more glorious time this year in Jesus' name.

Come out with children, young adults and adults for a blessed time. All are welcome.

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