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Plug In with Pastor Chris:Study the Ant

The brain of one and has 250,000 cells whereas the human brain has 10,000 Million brain cells. However, they probably use more of their cells than we do. What do you think?

There is a lot to learn from the Ants

Proverbs 6:6-9 "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise...".

1. To perform with efficiency there must be a plan.

I believe that there are a lot of believers who are active, and churches that are filled with programs…..but they have no plan. They have no vision for the future. They have little if any idea as to what their function is, and which way they are going. As a church we must have a vision, we must be as wise as ants. We must make all that we do count for the kingdom.

2. To perform with efficiency there must be participation.
Many folks would lose their job if they worked on their job the way they do for the Lord. We often do things half-way, throw things together at the last moment

Ecc. 9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might........."

3. To learn about Partnership.

A quote from an evolutionist:

“On their own, each ant’s behavior is relatively useless, but when swarms of ants come together, the patterns optimize naturally and allow them to accomplish tasks that should be far beyond their reach. To the outside observer, their self-organizing efforts seem to be directed by some larger force or collective intelligence. Theirs is a society that is truly more than the sum of its parts.” Did you catch that phrase ……..”larger force”. We call that larger force God. He created the ant, and they fulfill their purpose!

Picture Credit: 1926 Media
Article by 'Laolu May Aloba

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