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Plug with Pastor Chris: Patience

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"...the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" Genesis 1:2
God was looking over the surface of the deep and He was saying to Himself, "this earth I created what I'm going to do with it?"
There is an element of patience in what God did. God is patient.
God is patient toward you and me as He is developing us and refining us, stretching us and growing us.
Let's take, for instance, traffic. Now I do not know about you, but when the traffic is stalled on Garden State Parkway and does not look like any way out, I sort of wonder about patience. Some days, we have to wait on a long line/queue when we're trying to get some service. And then we feel convicted that I am not very patient.
Nevertheless, God is patient. He doesn’t have to learn it. He is it. He is not developing it. He continually displays it.
Waiting patiently for the Holy Spirit to whisper that thought is critical. When the spirit God hovers...the thought that came after that was so illuminating that it shines all over the earth.

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