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So What Then Is Faith?

For many years I 've maintained a file folder labeled "Speaking". It has become thick with articles, quotations, and illustrations that might be useful. Recently I went through it to discard things that are out of date. I found it difficult to throw away many of the items, not because I haven't used them in a talk but because I haven't put them into practice. I closed the folder thinking, "These aren't words to talk about; these are words to live by.

So what then is Faith?
Faith, like my experience above, is not just what you talk about but you must live it daily

For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 New International Version (NIV)
It is so easy to talk about doing more than we actually do and speak about truth we're not living by. We can become bloated with words, yet starved for reality, forgetting that all God commanded us to do is to..." have faith as small as a mustard seed"...then "Nothing will be impossible for you."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Join Us April 5th - April 7th, 2019 for insightful teaching on the word of God 

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