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Attributes of a Godly Father-Pastor Koko Olugbenga

Holidays like Father’s Day and Mother’s Day provide excellent opportunities to remember important principles and events, repent of personal failures, recalibrate toward the good and the right, and resolve to persevere toward righteousness. Father’s Day should remind us that God-fearing parents of all ages have been concerned that their children would walk in the truth.
We live in a crazy, mixed-up world that is often anything but godly. Christians need to be wise to the fact that our secular culture is trying to influence us and our children to reject God and live however we please. This ungodly, sinful desire is nothing new, but we need to discern these powerful influences.

Ever since our first parents disobeyed God, human societies have been corrupted with all kinds of sin in thought, word, deed, attitude, and affection. The generations leading up to God’s judgment in the Flood exhibited such gross defilement that God chose to judge the whole earth, sparing only righteous Noah and his household:

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. . . .

Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth (Genesis 6:5, 11–12)
The Attributes of a Father is captured on the picture below

Excerpt from by Koko Olugbenga and Scot Chadwick 

Who You Are In Christ-Pastor Chris Olugbenga

Everyone, at some point, struggles with their identity. It is important to know who you are, especially if you need guidance and purpose in your life. Who we are affects everything: what we do, what we say, how we feel about ourselves, how we deal with difficult times, and how we think about the future. As Christians, we have been born again and given a completely new identity, but that identity can only make a difference in our lives if we know about it.

Join Pastor Chris Olugbenga, every Sunday for a great time with the WORD of God by 11am