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...the Intelligence Behind It All.

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God (2Corth 4vs1-2).

 If you must understand the scripture, you must be able to interpret it in a way that is relevant to your day to day activities. This is because a lot of people know the bible in a way that is not applicable to them. The reason we have corruption today and among Christian is because they cannot translate the knowledge of the scriptures which is spiritual wisdom into the problem or challenge they are facing. People might know scriptures but do not know how to use it to solve practical problems or realities knocking on the door of their lives and that make them seek answers from the world.
Reference to the above scripture, the Jews felt Paul was breaking the code of scripture. For instance when they defined Jesus; to the Jews His Name could only be the Messiah. They agreed that Jesus was the Messiah and could only refer to Him as such. But the Gentiles are still waiting for the Messiah to come because they do not believe He is Christ. To the Romans and Greeks on the other hand they do not know who the Messiah is. They had to find Jesus in their culture; they had to look at what was going on around them to know and recognize who Jesus is. Jesus is the logic of creation, He is the logos.

 They knew that all the philosophers and the people that were writers were trying to get to the logic – Jesus. They knew that except you understand, grasped and receive Jesus you just will not comprehend where you are or what is going on in the world. Meaning Christ is the summation of everything and by Him all things were made. Everything together was made through Him and there was nothing that was made without Him. When you look at the heart it is a wonderful master piece and the body itself is another great work. Each part of the body is a master piece put together to make an entire perfect whole that work as one. A whole and a unit is another act of creation. The logos is the entire world, while the trees, the ecosystem, cycle of the food chain, the rain fall etc. are a unit that makes up the whole and it all goes through a particular cycle.

 The person who brings everything together holds everything because He is the intelligence behind it all. Therefore if you are going through anything, know that God is aware and the only reason why He has allowed such to happen is so that you might diffuse His knowledge into the atmosphere and those around will learn and never forget such experience. This means that when those that encounter such knowledge leave the place they will never forget and forever speak about the greatness of God that they have seen. When the fragrance of God enters into people it changes them. Once you diffuse the knowledge of God into a place it makes everything possible. Even when you are confronted with issues on every side and those around you keep telling you that you cannot make it; all you need to do is to diffuse the knowledge of God into that situation and it becomes solved.

Seek the knowledge of God today. Share with family and friends.

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Living Stone Bible Church
420 Chestnut Street,  Union, New Jersey 07083


  1. Thank you so much, I was inspired by this article. I pray for grace to seek the intelligence behind it all in my daily activities and my marriage too.
    Thanks a lot
