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Thought to Consider

Good morning Saint,
I have a ritual which I do each time I want to redirect my path or step into something new and for the past few weeks I have been on it but no sign yet of either God speaking or directions from the Holy Spirit. Just yesterday, I got another call from my agency asking if I am ready to take the offer...sincerely I have my fears too so I ask for more time to process it.

But today, I woke up to this passage of the Bible

" So humble yourself under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you". 1 Peter 5:6-7 

Most people have so many burdens they simply don't know what to do with more. The opposite of boldness is fear or anxiety. It's not surprising then that God not only calls us to be bold for Christ and his kingdom, but he also makes a provision for us to get rid of our fear and anxiety. There is something about casting your anxiety on God that makes humbling yourself under God and before others possible.

In other words, in all its forms humility is the risk of losing face. Humility is the risk of not being noticed, not being appreciated, not being praised, and not being rewarded. Lowliness runs the obvious risk of being looked down on.

And being looked down on is painful. Being unnoticed and unappreciated is painful. Losing face is painful. Being made little of is painful. And therefore humility causes anxiety. And the command to be humble under God and to be clothed with humility toward each other makes us anxious.

So the meaning is simple and straightforward: if you have a load/baggage on and you want an donkey to carry it for you, you "cast" the load/baggage on the animal. In this way you don't carry it anymore. It's on the donkey not on you. The donkey works for you and lifts your load.

So in my conclusion today, It was unveil to me that God is willing to carry my anxieties the same way a donkey carries the load/baggage. One of the greatest things about the God of the Bible is that He commands us to let him work for us before commanding us to work for Him.

This article was written by Olaoluwa Ige Aloba. You can read more inspiring thoughts and poems on or


  1. Your analogies are practical and so real. I have some family issues and my daughter is drifting away from the values of "we" her path. I do not want to go to any church or congregation to seek God but I truly believe in seeking God my own ways.

    Today, I woke up to check my email when i saw your article on my search engine, I reluctantly surf the page, the beginning of this article got to me "I have a ritual which I do each time I want to redirect my path or step into something new and for the past few weeks I have been on it but no sign yet of either God speaking or directions from the Holy Spirit. Just yesterday, I got another call from my agency asking if I am ready to take the offer...sincerely I have my fears too so I ask for more time to process it"

    Grateful to God for this message and I look forward for more inspiring thoughts from you. God is indeed willing to carry my anxieties.amen

  2. We appreciate your effort reading and surfing through our website. Our prayers goes to your family and most especially your daughter. I want you to know that you have a calling upon your life and the Holy Spirit is ever wiling to hold your hands as you yield to the call to serve God wholeheartedly. amen
