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LSBC Youth Ministry in Philadelphia

We love to share the videos of LSBC Youth Ministry outing to a Church in Philadelphia.

6 Teach a child to choose the right path, and when he is older, he will remain upon it.
Proverbs 22:6 Living Bible (TLB)

Truly thankful for what God is accomplishing through our Youth Teachers (the Trail Blazers).

Join us at the next LSBC Youth Ministry program

Plug with Pastor Chris: Patience

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"...the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" Genesis 1:2
God was looking over the surface of the deep and He was saying to Himself, "this earth I created what I'm going to do with it?"
There is an element of patience in what God did. God is patient.
God is patient toward you and me as He is developing us and refining us, stretching us and growing us.
Let's take, for instance, traffic. Now I do not know about you, but when the traffic is stalled on Garden State Parkway and does not look like any way out, I sort of wonder about patience. Some days, we have to wait on a long line/queue when we're trying to get some service. And then we feel convicted that I am not very patient.
Nevertheless, God is patient. He doesn’t have to learn it. He is it. He is not developing it. He continually displays it.
Waiting patiently for the Holy Spirit to whisper that thought is critical. When the spirit God hovers...the thought that came after that was so illuminating that it shines all over the earth.

Get Elevated with LSBC Youth Ministry

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The Youth Ministry of Living Stone Bible Church strengthen our teenagers and young adults with bible principle and good values to achieve greatness as they grow and mingle with other kids.

The Youth Ministry leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through practical bible teaching, Quiz, Fun games, and gifts.

Get Involve today.

3 Days Fasting and Prayer

Fasting and Praying are spiritual nuclear weapons that our belief in Christ has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil, wrong deeds, and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest for our families and friends.

When we pray and fast, God promises that He will liberate us. He will lose the chains of injustice. He declares that He’ll untie the cords of the yoke and will give the oppressed their long-awaited freedom. He will set us free from the bondage of what others think.

Join us for the annual Fasting and Praying 

DAY 1 Saturday, January 26, 2019 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
DAY 2 Sunday, January 27, 2019- 9:45AM
DAY 3 Monday, January 28, 2019- 8:00PM -9:00PM
Prayer Line + 1 712-832-8308

Access Code 7388357

Plug In with Pastor Chris

Image may contain: text that says '" Just because it's easier to build strong children than repair broken men, doesn't mean we leave men men broken'
One of the few constant things in life is change and growth. And where there's life there's hope. Even grown men can change as long as they think it possible. One should never stop growing.

#PlugInwithPastorChris #PrayforMen #ChangeAndGrowth

Plug In with Pastor Chris: How can we pray for you?

God's Word says we can have confidence that when we pray, He hears us and we have the petitions we desire of Him.

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much". James 5:16

How can we pray for you?

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Living Stone Bible Church 2019 Declaration

"I will Rise and Shine in 2019 for the Glory of God is upon me

The Lord is my Savior and my Redeemer 
The Lord is my Strength and my Fortress
 The Lord is my Healer and my Provider

Because I fear the Lord, He will secure my fortunes and that of my children.

I will profit in all my endeavors.
I will not be bound no more
I will break forth and do great exploits

Nothing will hold me back from my victories
As I have believed so have I spoken 
In Jesus Name AMEN"

Plug In with Pastor Chris: Growing a relationship with Jesus

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One of the most impactful decisions you can make in 2019 is to commit to read your Bible daily. Growing in your relationship with Jesus requires intentional living.

Are the seeds you are planting today on par with the harvest you want to reap throughout this year?

One Bible reading method follows the acronym:

R-Read the Bible

O-Observe by writing down (what your receive or learn while reading)

A-Apply to your life daily


What are you reading today?Share in the comments

Watch Night Service

Moses Salami-Christ-centered Church Community

Image may contain: Moses Oluwaseun, smiling, standing and suit

When God first created Adam from dust, he was the only man on earth. A lonely man in a garden is really not fun so God said that it was not good for man to be alone and decided to give Adam soulmate so He created Eve. The first human community- (Genesis 2:18).

The beauty of a Christ-centered church community is the love, growth, and accountability learned through the process of actively involving ourselves in the Church developmental projects.

Christ-centered church community gives you the opportunity to be around people in the different phases of their travels and to carry their load with them. The confidence we have in found faith is to build a community with love, a community where we can share our emotions, be our brothers and sister keepers.

Watch Moses Salami -Christ-centered church Community